Application of Newton Raphson method in numerical Analysis

   Assumption  Xn= k  f(Xn)=l and F'(Xn)= m

Newton-Raphson Method

        This method is generally use to improve the result obtained by one of the previous method. Let x0 be an approximate roof of f(x)=0 and let x1=x0+h be the correct roof so that f(x1)=0. Expanding f(x0+h) by taylors series we obtain

                                                                                    F(x) = f(x0) +h f (x0)+ ........   f (x0)+…=0

Neglecting the second and higher order  derivatives we have  f(x0) + h f (x0)=0 which gives          

                                                                                   h= - \[\frac{f(x_0)}{f'(x_0)}\]

A better approximation  than x0 is therefore  given by x1, where

                                                                                  X1= x0+ h = x0 – \[\frac{f(x_0)}{f'(x_0)}\]

Successive  approximation are given  by x2, x3,… xn+1= xn+1, where

                                                                                Xn+1 = x- \[\frac{f(x_n)}{f'(x_n)}\]

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Which is Newton Raphson formula .

                                                                                Xn+1 = Xn -\[\frac{f(x_n)}{f'(x_n)}\]  

So that the  Newton Raphson process   has a second order or quadratic convergence.

Geometrically , in Newton-Raphson method a tangent to curve is drawn at point [x0, f(x0)] and the point of intersection  of  this tangent  and x axis is taken as x1 which is the next value of the iterate of course x1 is closer to root than  x0. It can be use to solving both algebraic and transcendental equations and it can also be used when the roots  are complex .

The equation x3-x2+4x-4=0 is to be solved using the Newton Raphson method . if x=2  is taken as the initial approximation of the solution then the next approximation  using this  method will be ?

x0 = 2

                                F(x) = x3-x2+4x- 4


                                F(x0)f(2)= 8

                                F(x0)= f(2) = 12

   X1 = x0-\[\frac{f(x_0)}{f'(x_0)}\] = 2 - \[\frac{8}{12}\]= \[\frac{4}{3}\]

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