Coding method to calculate arithmetic mean of given quantities

Given the heights below, find mean heights using coding  method

Heights (In inches) Class marks (x) Frequency(f)
60-62 61 5
63-65 64 18
66-68 67 42
69-71 70 27
72-74 73 8


The tabke can be arranged as below

x u f f*u
61 -2 5 -10
64 -1 18 -18
67=a 0 42 0
70 1 27 27
73 2 8 16
n=100 \[\sum_{n=1}^{5}f=100\] \[\sum_{n=1}^{5}fu=100\]=15

Mean using coding theorem \[ \widetilde{X}\]=\[a+\frac{Y}{X}*c\] where c is class interval

                                                  =\[ 67+\frac{15}{100}*3=67.45\]

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