#include stdio.hint main(void){int new = 5;printf("%d", new);}
s = "apple"What is the output of the following programfor i in range(len(s)):if i == len(s) - 1:print(s[i], "- No next character")else:print(s[i], "-", s[i+1])
void main() {int n;cin n;for (int i = 0; i n; ++i) {for (int j = j + 1; j = n; j++) {if (j == i + 1 || j == n - i - 1 || i == 0) {cout j;} else {cout " ";}}cout endl;}}
int main(){int a[3]={10,11,12}if (a==10)printf("CR7");else if(a==11)printf("MESSI");elseprintf("NEYMAR");}
#include stdio.hvoid main(){float x;int y;printf("enter two numbers \n");scanf("%f %f", &x, &y);printf("%f, %d", x, y);}
#include#define x 5+2int main(){int i;i=x*x*x;printf("%d",i);return 0;}