#includestdio.hint main(){char ch;ch = 'A';printf("The letter is");printf("%c", ch = 'A' && ch = 'Z' ? ch + 'a' - 'A':ch);printf("Now the letter is");printf("%c\n", ch = 'A' && ch = 'Z' ? ch : ch + 'a' - 'A');return 0;}
#include stdio.hWhat is the output of the following program#include math.hint main(){double a = 25.0, b = 16.0, c;c = sqrt(a*a + b*b);printf("Given a = %.1f and b = %.1f\n", a, b);printf("The length of the hypotenuse c is %.1f\n", c);return 0;}
days= ['sun','mon','tue','wed','thu','fri','sat']converting_list = tuple(days)print(converting_list)print(type(converting_list))
#include iostreamWhat is the output?using namespace std;class sookshmas{static int k;static int d;public:void call(){cout d " " k;}};int sookshmas::k = 3;int sookshmas::d = 3;int main(){sookshmas s;s.call();return 0;}
#include stdio.hint main(){signed char chr;chr = 128;printf("%d\n", chr);return 0;}
#include stdio.hWhat is the output of the following programint main() {int a = 1, b = 0, c = 1, d = 1;int output;output = (!a && b) || (c && d);printf("Output: %d\n", output);return 0;}