Kilohertz to all other Frequency unit conversions


One kilohertz (abbreviated "kHz") is equal to 1,000 hertz. Since one hertz is one cycle per second, one kilohertz is equal to 1,000 cycles per second. One of the most common uses of this unit is in measuring the frequency of sound waves. This is because the since the audible spectrum of sound frequencies is between 20 Hz and 20 kHz. Along with this, low frequency radio waves are also measured using this unit. In comparison to Hertz, this is a bigger unit.

Enter your value in Kilohertz


Check your output in all other similar units

Standard Units
Cycle/second {{cyclepersecond}}
Degree/hour {{degreeperhour}}
Degree/minute {{degreeperminute}}
Degree/second {{degreepersecond}}
Gigahertz {{gigahertz}}
Hertz {{hertz}}
Megahertz {{megahertz}}
Millihertz {{millihertz}}
Radian/hour {{radianperhour}}
Radian/minute {{radianperminute}}
Radian/second {{radianpersecond}}
Revolution/hour {{revolutionperhour}}
Revolution/minute {{revolutionperminute}}
Revolution/second {{revolutionpersecond}}
RPM {{rpm}}
Terrahertz {{terrahertz}}