US cup is a traditional unit of volume used in recipes in the United States. It is equal to 1/2 liquid pint, or 8 fluid ounces or 0.2365882375 liter. Officially, a US Cup is 240ml (or 8.45 imperial fluid ounces.) This is slightly different from an Australian, Canadian and South African Cup which is 250ml. As long as you use the same cup for measuring out each of your ingredients, the proportions should work out the same.
1 cubic meter is equal to 4226.753 US Cups.
Standard Units | |
Centiliters | {{ cL }} |
Cubic Centimeters | {{ cm3 }} |
Cubic Feet | {{ ft3 }} |
Cubic Inches | {{ in3 }} |
Cubic Meter | {{ m3 }} |
Cubic Millimeters | {{ mm3 }} |
Cubic Yards | {{ yard3 }} |
Kiloliter | {{ kL }} |
Liters | {{ L }} |
Microliter | {{ microliter }} |
Milliliter | {{ mL }} |
International Cooking Standard | |
Metric Cup | {{ metric_cup }} |
Metric Tablespoon | {{ metric_tlbsp }} |
Metric Teaspoon | {{ metric_tsp }} |
U.S. Cooking Standard | |
US Tablespoon | {{ US_tlbsp }} |
US Teaspoon | {{ US_tsp }} |
U.S. Dry And Liquid Measurement | |
US Barrels Dry | {{ US_bbl_dry }} |
US Barrels Federal | {{ US_bbl_fed }} |
US Barrels Liquid | {{ US_bbl_lq }} |
US Barrels Oil | {{ US_bbl_oil }} |
US Fluid Ounces | {{ US_fl_oz }} |
US Gallons Dry | {{ US_gal_dry }} |
US Gallons Liquid | {{ US_gal_lq }} |
US Gills | {{ US_gills }} |
US Pints Dry | {{ US_pt_dry }} |
US Pints Liquid | {{ US_pt_lq }} |
US Quarts | {{ US_qt }} |
US Quarts Dry | {{ US_qt_dry }} |
British Imperial Liquid And Dry | |
UK Barrels | {{ UK_bbl }} |
UK Fluid Ounces | {{ UK_fl_oz }} |
UK Gallons | {{ UK_gal }} |
UK Gills | {{ UK_gills }} |
UK Pints | {{ UK_pt }} |
UK Quarts | {{ UK_qt }} |
UK Tablespoon | {{ UK_tlbsp }} |
UK Teaspoon | {{ UK_tsp }} |