Hexadecimal to all other number unit conversions


  • The “Hexadecimal” or simply “Hex” numbering system uses the Base of 16 system and are a popular choice for representing long binary values because their format is quite compact and much easier to understand compared to the long binary strings of 1’s and 0’s.
  • Being a Base-16 system, the hexadecimal numbering system therefore uses 16 (sixteen) different digits with a combination of numbers from 0 through to 15. In other words, there are 16 possible digit symbols.
  • Hexadecimal Numbering System we use the numbers from 0 to 9 and the capital letters A to F to represent its Binary or Decimal number equivalent, starting with the least significant digit at the right hand side.
  • 1101 0101 1100 11112 this can now be converted into an equivalent hexadecimal number of D5CF which is much easier to read and understand than a long row of 1’s and 0’s.

Enter your value in Hexadecimal


Check your output in all other similar units

Standard Units