A foot-lambert or footlambert (fL, sometimes fl or ft-L) is a unit of luminance in United States customary units and some other unit systems.
fL, sometimes fl or ft-L
A foot-lambert equals 1/π or 0.3183 candela per square foot, or 3.426 candela per square meter (the corresponding SI unit).
Standard Units | |
Apostilb | {{apostilb}} |
Blondel | {{blondel}} |
Candela/square centimeter | {{candelapersquarecentimeter}} |
Candela/square foot | {{candelapersquarefoot}} |
Candela/square inch | {{candelapersquareinch}} |
Candela/square meter | {{candelapersquaremeter}} |
Kilocandela/square centimeter | {{kilocandelapersquarecentimeter}} |
Kilocandela/square foot | {{kilocandelapersquarefoot}} |
Kilocandela/square inch | {{kilocandelapersquareinch}} |
Kilocandela/square meter | {{kilocandelapersquaremeter}} |
Lambert | {{lambert}} |
Millilambert | {{millilambert}} |
Nit | {{nit}} |
Stilb | {{stilb}} |