UK Fluid Ounces to all other volume unit conversions

UK Fluid Ounces

The fluid ounce was originally the volume occupied by one ounce of some substance, for example wine (in England) or water (in Scotland). The ounce in question also varied depending on the system of fluid measure, such as that used for wine versus ale. A fluid ounce (abbreviated is a unit of volume also called capacity) typically used for measuring liquids. In the UK, the gallon is defined to be 0.004 546 09 m3. In turn, 1 gal = 160 fl oz, so : 1 fl oz = 28.413 062 5 cm3 (exact).

1 cubic meter is equal to 35195.08 UK Fluid Ounces.

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Check your output in all other similar units

Standard Units
Centiliters {{ cL }}
Cubic Centimeters {{ cm3 }}
Cubic Feet {{ ft3 }}
Cubic Inches {{ in3 }}
Cubic Meter {{ m3 }}
Cubic Millimeters {{ mm3 }}
Cubic Yards {{ yard3 }}
Kiloliter {{ kL }}
Liters {{ L }}
Microliter {{ microliter }}
Milliliter {{ mL }}
International Cooking Standard
Metric Cup {{ metric_cup }}
Metric Tablespoon {{ metric_tlbsp }}
Metric Teaspoon {{ metric_tsp }}
U.S. Cooking Standard
US Cup {{ US_cup }}
US Tablespoon {{ US_tlbsp }}
US Teaspoon {{ US_tsp }}
U.S. Dry And Liquid Measurement
US Barrels Dry {{ US_bbl_dry }}
US Barrels Federal {{ US_bbl_fed }}
US Barrels Liquid {{ US_bbl_lq }}
US Barrels Oil {{ US_bbl_oil }}
US Fluid Ounces {{ US_fl_oz }}
US Gallons Dry {{ US_gal_dry }}
US Gallons Liquid {{ US_gal_lq }}
US Gills {{ US_gills }}
US Pints Dry {{ US_pt_dry }}
US Pints Liquid {{ US_pt_lq }}
US Quarts {{ US_qt }}
US Quarts Dry {{ US_qt_dry }}
British Imperial Liquid And Dry
UK Barrels {{ UK_bbl }}
UK Gallons {{ UK_gal }}
UK Gills {{ UK_gills }}
UK Pints {{ UK_pt }}
UK Quarts {{ UK_qt }}
UK Tablespoon {{ UK_tlbsp }}
UK Teaspoon {{ UK_tsp }}