The quart is an English unit of volume equal to a quarter gallon. Three kinds of quarts are currently used: the liquid quart and dry quart of the US customary system and the imperial quart of the British imperial system. All are roughly equal to one liter. It is divided into two pints or (in the US) four cups. Historically, the exact size of the quart has varied with the different values of gallons over time and in reference to different commodities.In the United States, the dry quart is equal to one quarter of a US dry gallon, or exactly 1.101220942715 liters.
1 cubic meter is equal to 908.083 US Quarts Dry.
Standard Units | |
Centiliters | {{ cL }} |
Cubic Centimeters | {{ cm3 }} |
Cubic Feet | {{ ft3 }} |
Cubic Inches | {{ in3 }} |
Cubic Meter | {{ m3 }} |
Cubic Millimeters | {{ mm3 }} |
Cubic Yards | {{ yard3 }} |
Kiloliter | {{ kL }} |
Liters | {{ L }} |
Microliter | {{ microliter }} |
Milliliter | {{ mL }} |
International Cooking Standard | |
Metric Cup | {{ metric_cup }} |
Metric Tablespoon | {{ metric_tlbsp }} |
Metric Teaspoon | {{ metric_tsp }} |
U.S. Cooking Standard | |
US Cup | {{ US_cup }} |
US Tablespoon | {{ US_tlbsp }} |
US Teaspoon | {{ US_tsp }} |
U.S. Dry And Liquid Measurement | |
US Barrels Dry | {{ US_bbl_dry }} |
US Barrels Federal | {{ US_bbl_fed }} |
US Barrels Liquid | {{ US_bbl_lq }} |
US Barrels Oil | {{ US_bbl_oil }} |
US Fluid Ounces | {{ US_fl_oz }} |
US Gallons Dry | {{ US_gal_dry }} |
US Gallons Liquid | {{ US_gal_lq }} |
US Gills | {{ US_gills }} |
US Pints Dry | {{ US_pt_dry }} |
US Pints Liquid | {{ US_pt_lq }} |
US Quarts | {{ US_qt }} |
British Imperial Liquid And Dry | |
UK Barrels | {{ UK_bbl }} |
UK Fluid Ounces | {{ UK_fl_oz }} |
UK Gallons | {{ UK_gal }} |
UK Gills | {{ UK_gills }} |
UK Pints | {{ UK_pt }} |
UK Quarts | {{ UK_qt }} |
UK Tablespoon | {{ UK_tlbsp }} |
UK Teaspoon | {{ UK_tsp }} |