A cup is a unit of volume measurement of volume equal to 16 tablespoons or 8 fluid ounces.
A metric cup is 250 mL in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the UK. These countries previously used the imperial system, in which a cup would be 284 mL or 6/5 US cups.A US cup is about 237 mL. Rougher equivalents are 240 mL and 250 mL, where the latter fits nicely with a US pint of 500 mL and a pound of 500 g.A Japanese rice cup is 180 ml. A measuring cup of this size is sometimes included with rice cookers.A teacup, often seen as a unit of measurement in Indian recipes, is about 190 mL, or ⅔ of an imperial (UK) cup.
1 cubic meter is equal to 4000 Metric Cups.
Standard Units | |
Centiliters | {{ cL }} |
Cubic Centimeters | {{ cm3 }} |
Cubic Feet | {{ ft3 }} |
Cubic Inches | {{ in3 }} |
Cubic Meter | {{ m3 }} |
Cubic Millimeters | {{ mm3 }} |
Cubic Yards | {{ yard3 }} |
Kiloliter | {{ kL }} |
Liters | {{ L }} |
Microliter | {{ microliter }} |
Milliliter | {{ mL }} |
International Cooking Standard | |
Metric Tablespoon | {{ metric_tlbsp }} |
Metric Teaspoon | {{ metric_tsp }} |
U.S. Cooking Standard | |
US Cup | {{ US_cup }} |
US Tablespoon | {{ US_tlbsp }} |
US Teaspoon | {{ US_tsp }} |
U.S. Dry And Liquid Measurement | |
US Barrels Dry | {{ US_bbl_dry }} |
US Barrels Federal | {{ US_bbl_fed }} |
US Barrels Liquid | {{ US_bbl_lq }} |
US Barrels Oil | {{ US_bbl_oil }} |
US Fluid Ounces | {{ US_fl_oz }} |
US Gallons Dry | {{ US_gal_dry }} |
US Gallons Liquid | {{ US_gal_lq }} |
US Gills | {{ US_gills }} |
US Pints Dry | {{ US_pt_dry }} |
US Pints Liquid | {{ US_pt_lq }} |
US Quarts | {{ US_qt }} |
US Quarts Dry | {{ US_qt_dry }} |
British Imperial Liquid And Dry | |
UK Barrels | {{ UK_bbl }} |
UK Fluid Ounces | {{ UK_fl_oz }} |
UK Gallons | {{ UK_gal }} |
UK Gills | {{ UK_gills }} |
UK Pints | {{ UK_pt }} |
UK Quarts | {{ UK_qt }} |
UK Tablespoon | {{ UK_tlbsp }} |
UK Teaspoon | {{ UK_tsp }} |