Megahertz to all other Frequency unit conversions


One megahertz is equal to 1,000 kilohertz, or 1,000,000 hertz. It can also be described as one million cycles per second. Megahertz is also used to measure processor clock speeds. This measurement indicates how many instruction cycles per second a processor can perform. TV broadcast and radio waves use this unit extensively. In comparison, gigahertz is bigger unit than megahertz.

Enter your value in Megahertz


Check your output in all other similar units

Standard Units
Cycle/second {{cyclepersecond}}
Degree/hour {{degreeperhour}}
Degree/minute {{degreeperminute}}
Degree/second {{degreepersecond}}
Gigahertz {{gigahertz}}
Hertz {{hertz}}
Kilohertz {{kilohertz}}
Millihertz {{millihertz}}
Radian/hour {{radianperhour}}
Radian/minute {{radianperminute}}
Radian/second {{radianpersecond}}
Revolution/hour {{revolutionperhour}}
Revolution/minute {{revolutionperminute}}
Revolution/second {{revolutionpersecond}}
RPM {{rpm}}
Terrahertz {{terrahertz}}