Nanosecond to all other time unit conversions


A nanosecond (ns) is an SI unit of time equal to one billionth of a second, that is, 1/1 000 000 000 of a second, or 10-9 seconds. The term combines the prefix nano- with the basic unit for one-sixtieth of a minute.A nanosecond is equal to 1000 picoseconds or 1/1000 microsecond. Time units ranging between 10-8 and 10-7 seconds are typically expressed as tens or hundreds of nanoseconds. Time units of this granularity are commonly found in telecommunications, pulsed lasers, and related aspects of electronics.

Enter your value in Nanosecond


Check your output in all other similar units

Standard Units
Callippic Cycles {{callippic_cycles}}
Century {{century}}
Days {{day}}
Decade {{decade}}
Hours {{hour}}
Lustres {{lustre}}
Millennium {{millennia}}
Millisecond {{millisec}}
Miniutes {{min}}
Moments {{moment}}
Month {{month}}
Seconds {{sec}}
Sothic Cycle {{sothic_cycles}}
Weeks {{week}}
Year {{year}}
Years (Julian) {{ju_year}}
Year (Tropical) {{tr_year}}