Revolution Per Second is a unit in the category of Angular velocity. It is also known as revolutions per second, revolution/second, rev/second. Revolution Per Second has a dimension of aT-1 where T is time. It can be converted to the corresponding standard SI unit rad/s by multiplying its value by a factor of 6.28318530718.
Standard Units | |
Cycle/second | {{cyclepersecond}} |
Degree/hour | {{degreeperhour}} |
Degree/minute | {{degreeperminute}} |
Degree/second | {{degreepersecond}} |
Gigahertz | {{gigahertz}} |
Hertz | {{hertz}} |
Kilohertz | {{kilohertz}} |
Megahertz | {{megahertz}} |
Millihertz | {{millihertz}} |
Radian/hour | {{radianperhour}} |
Radian/minute | {{radianperminute}} |
Radian/second | {{radianpersecond}} |
Revolution/hour | {{revolutionperhour}} |
Revolution/minute | {{revolutionperminute}} |
RPM | {{rpm}} |
Terrahertz | {{terrahertz}} |