Microliter to all other volume unit conversions


A microliter is a unit of volume equal to 1/1,000,000th of a liter (one-millionth). A microliter is one cubic millimeter.The symbol for microliter is μl or μL.
The SI derived unit for volume is a cubic meter. 1 cubic meter is equal to 1000000000 microliters.

Unit symbol:


The microliter is a small volume, yet measurable in a typical laboratory. An example of when you might use microliter volumes would be in preparation of an electrophoresis sample, when isolating DNA, or during chemical purification. Microliters are measured and dispensed using micropipettes.

Enter your value in Microliter


Check your output in all other similar units

Standard Units
Centiliters {{ cL }}
Cubic Centimeters {{ cm3 }}
Cubic Feet {{ ft3 }}
Cubic Inches {{ in3 }}
Cubic Meter {{ m3 }}
Cubic Millimeters {{ mm3 }}
Cubic Yards {{ yard3 }}
Kiloliter {{ kL }}
Liters {{ L }}
Milliliter {{ mL }}
International Cooking Standard
Metric Cup {{ metric_cup }}
Metric Tablespoon {{ metric_tlbsp }}
Metric Teaspoon {{ metric_tsp }}
U.S. Cooking Standard
US Cup {{ US_cup }}
US Tablespoon {{ US_tlbsp }}
US Teaspoon {{ US_tsp }}
U.S. Dry And Liquid Measurement
US Barrels Dry {{ US_bbl_dry }}
US Barrels Federal {{ US_bbl_fed }}
US Barrels Liquid {{ US_bbl_lq }}
US Barrels Oil {{ US_bbl_oil }}
US Fluid Ounces {{ US_fl_oz }}
US Gallons Dry {{ US_gal_dry }}
US Gallons Liquid {{ US_gal_lq }}
US Gills {{ US_gills }}
US Pints Dry {{ US_pt_dry }}
US Pints Liquid {{ US_pt_lq }}
US Quarts {{ US_qt }}
US Quarts Dry {{ US_qt_dry }}
British Imperial Liquid And Dry
UK Barrels {{ UK_bbl }}
UK Fluid Ounces {{ UK_fl_oz }}
UK Gallons {{ UK_gal }}
UK Gills {{ UK_gills }}
UK Pints {{ UK_pt }}
UK Quarts {{ UK_qt }}
UK Tablespoon {{ UK_tlbsp }}
UK Teaspoon {{ UK_tsp }}