Pint, unit of capacity in the British Imperial and U.S. Customary systems of measurement. In the British system the units for dry measure and liquid measure are identical. The single British pint is equal to 34.68 cubic inches (568.26 cubic cm) or one-eighth gallon. In the United States the unit for dry measure is slightly different from that for liquid measure. A U.S. dry pint is 33.6 cubic inches (550.6 cubic cm), while a U.S. liquid pint is 28.9 cubic inches (473.2 cubic cm). In each system, two cups make a pint, and two pints equal a quart.
1 cubic meter is equal to 1816.166 US Pints Dry.
Standard Units | |
Centiliters | {{ cL }} |
Cubic Centimeters | {{ cm3 }} |
Cubic Feet | {{ ft3 }} |
Cubic Inches | {{ in3 }} |
Cubic Meter | {{ m3 }} |
Cubic Millimeters | {{ mm3 }} |
Cubic Yards | {{ yard3 }} |
Kiloliter | {{ kL }} |
Liters | {{ L }} |
Microliter | {{ microliter }} |
Milliliter | {{ mL }} |
International Cooking Standard | |
Metric Cup | {{ metric_cup }} |
Metric Tablespoon | {{ metric_tlbsp }} |
Metric Teaspoon | {{ metric_tsp }} |
U.S. Cooking Standard | |
US Cup | {{ US_cup }} |
US Tablespoon | {{ US_tlbsp }} |
US Teaspoon | {{ US_tsp }} |
U.S. Dry And Liquid Measurement | |
US Barrels Dry | {{ US_bbl_dry }} |
US Barrels Federal | {{ US_bbl_fed }} |
US Barrels Liquid | {{ US_bbl_lq }} |
US Barrels Oil | {{ US_bbl_oil }} |
US Fluid Ounces | {{ US_fl_oz }} |
US Gallons Dry | {{ US_gal_dry }} |
US Gallons Liquid | {{ US_gal_lq }} |
US Gills | {{ US_gills }} |
US Pints Liquid | {{ US_pt_lq }} |
US Quarts | {{ US_qt }} |
US Quarts Dry | {{ US_qt_dry }} |
British Imperial Liquid And Dry | |
UK Barrels | {{ UK_bbl }} |
UK Fluid Ounces | {{ UK_fl_oz }} |
UK Gallons | {{ UK_gal }} |
UK Gills | {{ UK_gills }} |
UK Pints | {{ UK_pt }} |
UK Quarts | {{ UK_qt }} |
UK Tablespoon | {{ UK_tlbsp }} |
UK Teaspoon | {{ UK_tsp }} |