One year (Julian) contains 365.25 days, in SI units it is equal to 31,557,600 seconds. In astronomy, a Julian year (symbol: a) is a unit of measurement of time defined as exactly 365.25 days of 86400 SI seconds each. The length of the Julian year is the average length of the year in the Julian calendar that was used in Western societies until the adoption of the Gregorian Calendar, and from which the unit is named. Nevertheless, because astronomical Julian years are measuring duration rather than designating dates, this Julian year does not correspond to years in the Julian calendar or any other calendar. Nor does it correspond to the many other ways of defining a year.
Standard Units | |
Callippic Cycles | {{callippic_cycles}} |
Century | {{century}} |
Days | {{day}} |
Decade | {{decade}} |
Hours | {{hour}} |
Lustres | {{lustre}} |
Millennium | {{millennia}} |
Millisecond | {{millisec}} |
Miniutes | {{min}} |
Moments | {{moment}} |
Month | {{month}} |
Nanoseconds | {{nanosec}} |
Seconds | {{sec}} |
Sothic Cycle | {{sothic_cycles}} |
Weeks | {{week}} |
Year | {{year}} |
Year (Tropical) | {{tr_year}} |