Milliseconds to all other time unit conversions


A millisecond is a thousandth (0.001 or 10−3 or 1/1000) of a second.A unit of 10 milliseconds may be called a centisecond, and one of 100 milliseconds a decisecond, but these names are rarely used. To help compare orders of magnitude of different times, this page lists times between 10−3seconds and 100 seconds (1 millisecond and one second). See also times of other orders of magnitude.



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Standard Units
Callippic Cycles {{callippic_cycles}}
Century {{century}}
Days {{day}}
Decade {{decade}}
Hours {{hour}}
Lustres {{lustre}}
Millennium {{millennia}}
Miniutes {{min}}
Moments {{moment}}
Month {{month}}
Nanoseconds {{nanosec}}
Seconds {{sec}}
Sothic Cycle {{sothic_cycles}}
Weeks {{week}}
Year {{year}}
Years (Julian) {{ju_year}}
Year (Tropical) {{tr_year}}